Summary of The Seven Ages of Man
-William Shakespeare
Stage - 1
In the poem, Seven Ages of Man Shakespeare compares the entire world to a theatrical stage, where all the human beings perform their allotted role given by the God. Every individual has to go through Seven acts that are Seven stages of man's life.
The first stage, in this phase of the life Man, appears as a child in the world. 🌎 as a child, he is a helpless creature. He cries in the arms of his nurse 😢 for one reason or the other. He cries 😢 and vomits. 🤢
Stage - 2 & 3
The next phase of his life, Man appears as a child in the world. 🌎 He goes to school 🏫 creeping like a snail. 🐌 He marches to the school 🏫 Unwillingly.
In the third stage of his life, a man plays the part of a lover. He grows in to a young man 👨 full of desires, ambitions, and dreams. He becomes a romantic young man. He falls in love and sights like a furnace. He begins to write ✍️ sad Poem to his beloved he cannot control his sad feelings.
Stage - 4
In the fourth stage of his life Man 👨 becomes a foul mouthed soldier who has learned queen 👸 words and this stage, he tried to give himself a formidable look with a beard like a part. He is emotional and jealous. He hankers after emporary and bubble fame.
Stage - 5
In the fifth stage of life, he becomes a judge. He becomes mature and experienced in his thoughts. The hate of youth has completely cooled down and he becomes very realistic. He wishes to grab wealth by foul or fair means. He begins to accept bribe and thus adds much to his material comforts. He becomes ease loving ❤️ and therefore becomes fat. His belly becomes round. He eats healthy fowls and chicken 🐔 presented to him as a bribe. His eyes 👀 becomes severe and he grows the beard of formal cut.
Stage - 6
Then, in the sixth stage of his life, Man 👨 grows old. He looks quite ridiculous in his movements. He wears glasses 🥂 because his eyesight weak. His shoes 👞 become wide For his feet. His voice suffers a change. it becomes a shrill and quivering whistle.
Stage - 7
However, in the final stage, the man turns into a child once again. He seems to forget everything. He becomes 'toothless'. His eyesight is weakened and he is deprived of taste. He is ready to leave this world. 🌍
Shakespeare has the Seven stages of man's life with a touch of satire and cynicism. In each stage, Man 👨 imagines himself great and important, but there is something ridiculous in his behavior all through his life. Shakespeare has described each of the man's life stage with great economy of words. He uses living and concrete images to describe the different stage of life.
The use of the word
'Mewling' of the infant's cry and the school boy's reluctance for going to School 🏫 described in phases 'creeping like a snail' 🐌 are examples of living images.
Shakespeare wants to render a message through his poem "The Seven Ages of Man" that men and women are 'merely players' in the drama of life. They are termed as 'merely players' because no one lives forever but plays his or her part and departs. at birth, they enter a stage and during death, they leave it. Man 👨 passes through Seven phases of life in accordance With their age.
Summary of a poem
Poem - The Seven Ages of Man
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