Paragraph writing

 - The cow 🐄 

Writing a paragraph on 'The cow' : 

Points:- 👉 domestic animal ---- two ears 👂 two eyes, 👀 four legs,🦵 a tail ---- eats grass, straw, etc. ---- milk 🥛---- naturitious food  ---- cowdung 💩  (fuel and manure) -- body (covered with hair) ---- useful animal ---- goddess to the Hindus.  🕉

The Cow 🐄 

The cow is a domestic animal. It has two eyes,👀  four legs, 🦵 and a tail. The cow 🐄 eats grass, straw, etc. It gives us milk. 🥛 Milk 🥛 is a naturitious food for all. We use cowdung as fuel and manure.  The cow 🐄 has short and colorful hair on its body. The cow 🐄 is very useful animal to us. The Hindus 🕉 worship tha cow 🐄  as goddess.

Words Notes:- 👉  (i) domestic - গৃহপালিত     (ii) grass- ঘাস    (iii) straw - খড়      (iv) naturitious - পুষ্টিকর    (v) food - খাদ্য     (vii) cowdung - গোবর     (viii) fuel - জ্বালানি     (ix) manure - সার      (x) worship - ভক্তি কর      (xi) goddess - দেবী 

Paragraph writing - The cow 🐄 

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